Wednesday 4 April 2012

Easter Holiday Part 1; Running Somerset's Hills; Yeovil Country Park; Fish and Chips in Lyme Regis

When 4.30pm on Friday afternoon came around, I was up, and out of the office with a skip in my step like Fred Flintstone.  There was little time to pop my head into whatever office I passed with a gloating smile, and an "enjoy your week" to let people know I was going to be anywhere but at work.  I was a happy bunny, I can't remember the last time I was on holiday properly.  Christmas didn't count.  I was on call for that holiday, and a situation hit the industry I work in a couple of days before the festive period, and ever since, it has been turn up, and put in whatever you can to keep your head above water.  It has been nothing short of exhausting this year to date.

For Easter, we have taken the week off, and split the time away in two.  The first part is (I guess, 'has' to be correct) spent in Somerset, with friends living near Ilminster.  After that, we travel to Olive's Nana and Dadpa's in Shropshire for the remainder of the week.

As you have seen, I corrected myself in my grammatical context in the previous paragraph, as we have already done stage one, in Somerset.  We stayed with a friend of Julia's from school (Claire), who has since married another Gavin, have two children between them, and another bun in the oven.  Claire is a childminder by trade, so her house is always a land of treasure for a two year old girl to explore.  Outside, there is a lovely wendy house built, lots of bikes and scooters, as well as a tent to play in.  Inside, I cannot explain the amount of toys and games that seem to come out of every corner, but appear to pack so seamlessly away.  Jayme and Layla are the two girls who live there.  They are both absolutely full of beans, enjoy nothing short of having pure unadulterated fun and enjoyment.  They're also older than Olive, and were more than happy to share all the toys, play with Olive all day long, and teach her new things... such as how to go down the stairs sliding on your bum.

Meeting a Guinnea Pig in Layla's bedroom

While there, I kept up the training for the Brighton Marathon, which is now only 11 days away.  I was planning a 20km run around the countryside, but was unable to find a path that was marked on a map, onto, and across a very busy high speed road.  I had to improvise for that point, turn around, and ended up running 15km, in a slow time mainly because of the backtracking to find that path mentioned earlier, and because I ran up two fairly big hills.  I was happy with the run, none-the-less.  It was a beautiful day, and what better way is there to get out and appreciate the countryside better?

One of the hills outside Ilminster

It was a lovely day for running the unknown

On Sunday we went into Yeovil Country Park, which was a really nice setting, with a lovely pond for the kids to see a Heron, and the fish swimming really close to the surface.  There was a great park, which they ran around in for hours, as we shared a picnic by the side.  We all had ice cream as a treat, then took a longer walk through a wooded valley back to our cars, and back home.

Playing in the park

Wandering around the woods

Lake by the play area in the Yeovil Country Park

Monday was spent at the seaside in Lyme Regis.  This was a lovely setting.  I haven't been here before, but it had both a sandy and pebble beach for everyone to play on.  We made sandcastles, and buried the children.  There were lots of rocks to go searching for crabs, and more importantly, they sold a decent fish and chips along the promenade.  This was the day that I felt completely relaxed all of a sudden.  The knowledge that normally I would be at work, getting stressed for lots of reasons (worthy or not), brought a smile to my face.  I wasn't.  I was with good friends and family, I was at the beach, and I was doing as I pleased.

Layla in the sand
Jayme suitably buried

Olive and Mummy having fun

She was fine buried, just not when the camera came out

Lyme Regis from the harbour wall

Munching on Ice Cream

Enjoying Ice Cream together

Someone was getting a little tired

From the Rocks
Enjoying the sun

Someone was happy

I must go there again one day.  I must say, the one thing I miss more than anything from where I grew up, was living by the coast.  The North Sea at Cleethorpes may not be the ideal setting.  I can certainly get a little cold at times.  I do miss it though, and hope one day to maybe settle near the coast once more.

Yesterday, we were planning on visiting Longleat Safari, but for random permutations, and being indecisive, it never materialised, so we came straight to Nana's house, bought Olive a new travel bed to sleep on, and settled down for part two of our time off.  It snowed last night.  I was planning on going to Wales today, and do a spot of walking in the mountains.  I do like the white stuff on the hills, but seeing there is a weather warning of 75mph winds on the highest peaks in Wales, I've decided to postpone events to tomorrow where there is a 90% chance of clear summits, a 15mph wind, and, fingers crossed, still a spot of snow on the tops to offer some nice pictures later in the week.


  1. It looks as though you are all having a great time. Those panoramic shots are brilliant - how do you do them? Enjoy the rest of your holidays.

  2. Thanks. The panoramics are done on my phone. It has the function to link 8 seperate pictures into one, and guides you where to point the camera for each picture on the viewfinder. I'm hoping to get some interesting ones in Snowdonia tomorrow
