Thursday 26 January 2012

Hello world! Let us begin with some piffle…

So I’ve taken the plunge, and decided to dive head first into something unknown.

The idea of this is to attempt to keep a diary of sorts for myself, as well as share some of the things that go on in, what I may consider, an average life.

To date, asside from family life, my personal preoccupations are preparing for the Brighton Marathon in April, and getting through a life at work unscathed with the worries of breast implants, and a VCP examination.

However, with a little Olive in my life, I’m sure there are better things to report upon, I just have to find them, appreciate them, and make a record for happy reflections.

Anyway, this post is written more for me to figure things out for myself, with the assumption that no-one has bothered themselves to look into something so random as this.

Peace out.

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