Sunday 29 January 2012

Quiet drinks; Proposals; Sambucca; the morning after

One is feeling rather jaded this evening.  It's been a long, slow day, Olive has had her friend over to play, while I've been sat on the couch, with my cardigan hood up, trying to block out any interruptions that would destroy the thought process holding me together after an epic evening.

I'm now starting to come out of the shadow of a rather stressful period of work.  I have also learnt my cousin, and some good friends back home have had babies.  With this swing towards a feel good factor, when another old friend and housemate called asking me for a 'quiet drink' last night, I was rather obliging.

This friend, Brown, we shall refer to him on here, has a reputation of sorts.  He is a very successful Commercial Manager in the field of logistics.  He is also very successful at cocking up any form of logistics in his own life.  There were five of us gathered together for said 'quiet drink', and the acceleration at Brown reminiscences cannot be told.  All were funny, and the man just shrugged it off like water off a ducks back.  It was fast, and it cut deep, ranging from travelling to France without a passport (amazed, and wondering how to get home), whether there was a flight he had not missed, to how he met his good lady...

Remember the events last December, where natural events brought global flights to a halt?  Well the only way to deal with such a crisis, with the prospect of not getting out to Australia to watch the Ashes, in his eyes, was to get drunk, and wing the accommodation problems in Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport.  Fortune favoured the brave as it were, and it was there he met his good lady, and last night I met her for the first time proper.

We all got together, exchanged pleasantries, then he dropped the bomb.  They were engaged, and we were out to celebrate.

Whenever I think of him, I just see a happy living bachelor.  Opposites attract, and in this case it works.  I couldn't be happier for them, and now look forward to thinking of the happily married Mr. and Mrs. Brown.  Consequently the drinks flowed from various optics, bottles and taps, and we all woke up to an epic sensation between the eyes this morning.

Sometimes a hangover is well earned, and this is one of them.

I wasn't regretting the Sambucca

To the future Mr. and Mrs. Brown


  1. Hi Gavin, If you speak to Ali please pass our congratulations on to him! She must be a very special girl. Hope your head has recovered.

  2. I will certainly pass on your best when I speak to him next. He'll be in London before I know it, so I'm sure I'll see more of him... for all my sins.
